Why I Love Cleaning For Start-ups

Why I Love Cleaning For Start-ups

You cannot be picky about your customers when you are in the office cleaning industry in a uber-competitive city like London. You have to approach each job with identical levels of professionalism and attention to detail – otherwise, you will quickly lose your customer base.

It does not mean, however, that you cannot have favourites – I certainly do. And I will give you my top three reasons why I prefer cleaning for start-ups.

A Thoroughly Positive Vibe

There is something about a small-team working atmosphere fighting for a breakthrough that you can’t compare to anything else. I always leave such offices pumped up by the positive energy and optimism of these young people who believe they can change the world. You will hardly find the cynical, cut-throat attitude of the corporate sharks there.

The Friendly Attitude

Don’t get me wrong – corporate office managers are always polite and well-mannered. But they do it because they are supposed to. For over a decade in the industry, I haven’t had a single normal, humane conversation with a corporate officer in charge of maintenance. They see you as a tool, a sum of zeros and ones in an Excel spreadsheet. 

I rarely leave a start-up office without being offered coffee, tea or a soda drink. God forbid someone has a birthday – my blood sugar takes a massive hit for sure. And I have heard a word or two if my team has lost during the weekend…

It is just easier

Yes, office cleaning for start-ups pays significantly less. But I love it when I see those appointments on my schedule – it’s like having the easiest class in school!